Technologie zet deur wagenwijd open voor fraudeur

Het gebruik van technologie stelt ondernemingen in toenemende mate bloot aan fraude. Bovendien laten bij veel bedrijven de interne controles te wensen over, waardoor werknemers die willen frauderen ongehinderd hun gang kunnen gaan. Uit internationaal onderzoek van KPMG naar de wijze waarop fraudes binnen het bedrijfsleven tot stand komen blijkt dat één op vier fraudes […]

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Over de auteur(s)

Leonie de Hek-Stolk   
Background Leonie de Hek-Stolk works at the Amstelveen office of KPMG Forensic in The Netherlands. Leonie has built up her vast Audit and Forensic experience since 2003 and is a qualified accountant and certified expert witness. Professional and Industry Experience  Leonie has been involved in a large number of (international) investigations and litigation and dispute cases covering various jurisdictions and industries, among which financial services (investment management, banking, pension funds & real estate), government services, charity, leisure and consumer markets. Leonie demonstrates strong analytical skills, commitment and team spirit to build client relationships and complete assignments successfully. Leonie has a pragmatic and result driven approach, with a focus on delivering high quality output. Based on her experience and strong investigative analytical skills, Leonie’s primary focus will continue to lie with litigation and dispute support and complex Forensic Investigations.  Contact