The lowdown on intellectual property theft

Nowadays, most intellectual property (IP) is electronic and includes patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. What is classified as a trade secret is broad and can include the data found in sales and marketing databases, as well as business plans and market research projects. What links all of these kinds of data is that without […]

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Over de auteur(s)

Tina Shah

Tina Shah is a US trained lawyer and joined in 2012 as an Electronic Evidence Consultant within the legal technologies division of KrolLDiscovery. Her role is to advise on how to effectively manage electronically stored documents in matters ranging from litigation, arbitration, internal and regulatory investigations.

Should you have any questions on GDPR and Data Privacy, ediscovery and digital forensics you may always call Tina for advice or email her @

+44 (0) 20 7549 3870 Amsterdam Office
+44 (0) 77 9989 6853 Mobile

KrolLDiscovery provides technology-driven services and software to help legal, corporate and government entities manage, recover, search, analyse, and produce data efficiently and cost-effectively. In addition to its award-winning suite of software, Kroll Ontrack provides data recovery, data destruction, electronic discovery and document review services.

For more information about Kroll Ontrack and its offerings please visit: www/ and follow @KrollOntrackEU on Twitter.