Environmental liability of senior executives

Administrators, and other ‘directors’ such as General Counsel, are expected to be held personally liable for environmental violations in a corporate context more often in the future. It will no longer just be about the ‘big polluters’, the management of companies in the chain are also more likely to be held liable. What at least should you be well aware of as General Counsel, both for your company, the board members and yourself? One of the few experts in the field is our special guest: Tim Bleeker. Tim’s PhD was on this topic and he publishes on this subject with great frequency as Assistant Professor at VU University Amsterdam. He creates clarity through specific cases and answers questions on this.

Nature's state

What’s going on in nature? What changes can be seen? Hanne Tersmette-Strijland, as ‘Ambassador of Dutch Nature’, is ideally equipped to answer this. She writes blogs, columns and articles in magazines and newspapers. She regularly joins talk shows as a nature expert or can be heard on the radio. Hanne is currently a spokesperson for Bird Protection Netherlands and was previously a spokesperson for Natuurmonumenten, among others, and also worked as a ranger there for many years.


Click here for the list of participants.

Keynote speaker mr. Tim Bleeker

Dr. Tim Bleeker

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Corporate Law

Hanne Tersmette-Strijland

Dutch Nature Ambassador


Welcome with drinks & snacks

Dr. Tim Bleeker: Environmental liability of senior executives


Hanne Tersmette-Strijland: Nature’s state

Drinks & Bites

Closing programme


BMW & MINI Van Poelgeest
Amsterdam ( A10, exit 11 Overamstel)
Pieter Braaijweg 12
1114 AJ Amsterdam

Entrance via main entrance and parking available on parking level: 3


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