Stress management & team building
How do other GCs handle this?

Results General Counsel NL Benchmark Survey 2024

Perhaps the most important task of GCs is: make sure no major accidents happen for the company. This regularly generates serious stress for GCs, for instance, because decisions have to be made at an increasingly rapid pace, many new national and European laws and regulations are being introduced, and political and international tensions are rising rapidly. And then, leading and stimulating a legal team has certainly not become any easier since Covid either and, at the same time, the range of tasks of most GCs continues to expand.

In this force field, how do you and your team members remain stress-resistant and continue to function well and enjoy working as a team?

In the afternoon, stress expert Suzan Kuijsten will provide a lot of information and practical tips in her own unique way. Experience and ideas on stress management & teambuilding can be shared during the two GCN Roundtables. We have also scheduled time for a relaxing walk to recharge your batteries.



Suzan Kuijsten

Stress sociologist Suzan Kuijsten is considered one of the Netherlands’ most innovative thinkers on stress management. With her refreshing view on stress, she presents a different perspective.


Registration and welcome with GCN lunch

Keynote Suzan Kuijsten: crazy about stress

GCN walk

Salut! By GCN-er Miriam Clercx

Results GCN Benchmark Survey 2024

GCN Roundtable 1

GCN Roundtable 2

GCN Drinks & Bites



Registration GCN Event

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  • Maak een keuze of je wel/niet aanwezig kunt zijn.
    Please choose if you will be present or not.
  • Dit GCN Event is uitsluitend toegankelijk voor leden. Indien u geen lid bent kunt u dit hieronder aangeven. Wij nemen dan contact met u op.
    This GCN Event is only accessible for GCN members. If you are not a member, you can register below as such. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Fort Voordorp

Voordorpsedijk 28b, Groenekan
There is free parking available. You can park on the rear parking deck (drive up), this is indicated. Walk through the tunnel towards the hall: De Linie

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